Outstanding Creator Awards
Winter 2021-2022
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Non-Fiction Book of Winter 2022
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not” Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
2nd Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
3rd Place
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
“Cockatoos in the Mangroves” Dr. Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Fiction Book of Winter 2022
1st Place
“The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
3rd Place
“I Conquered: Gilraen and the Prophecy III” Dr. Joanne Reid
“Dragons of a Different Tail” Marx Pyle
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Children's Book of Winter 2022
1st Place
“The Adventures of Kodie and Bella” Sylvie Bordzuk, Alex Crump
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
2nd Place
“Mystery at Sea: A Noah's Ark Tale” Sylvie Bordzuk
3rd Place
“Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story” Aleksandra Tryniecka
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Art of Winter 2022
1st Place
“Woman Done Swallowing Her Words” Kristan Ryan
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Short-Film of Winter 2022
1st Place
“Tell Tale” Gravity Well Films, Sasha Bilik, Anna Bilik
Best Non-Fiction Book of Winter 2022
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not” Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
2nd Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
3rd Place
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
“Cockatoos in the Mangroves” Dr. Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Fiction Book of Winter 2022
1st Place
“The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
3rd Place
“I Conquered: Gilraen and the Prophecy III” Dr. Joanne Reid
“Dragons of a Different Tail” Marx Pyle
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Children's Book of Winter 2022
1st Place
“The Adventures of Kodie and Bella” Sylvie Bordzuk, Alex Crump
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
2nd Place
“Mystery at Sea: A Noah's Ark Tale” Sylvie Bordzuk
3rd Place
“Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story” Aleksandra Tryniecka
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Art of Winter 2022
1st Place
“Woman Done Swallowing Her Words” Kristan Ryan
Outstanding Creator Award for
Best Short-Film of Winter 2022
1st Place
“Tell Tale” Gravity Well Films, Sasha Bilik, Anna Bilik
Outstanding Creator Award for Fantasy
1st Place
“The Angels of Redemption” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“I Conquered: Gilraen and the Prophecy III” Dr. Joanne Reid
“Dragons of a Different Tail” Marx Pyle
Outstanding Creator Award for Science-Fiction
1st Place
“THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
2nd Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for Fiction Series
1st Place
“Redeem the Knight Trilogy” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“Ichorian Epics” Emilie Knight
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Outstanding Creator Award for Thriller/Action/Suspense
1st Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
2nd Place
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Cockatoos in the Mangroves” Dr. Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat
Outstanding Creator Award for Business & Entrepreneurship
1st Place
“The Drive to Freedom” JT Hustlez
2nd Place
“Book Title Generator” Scott Lorenz
Outstanding Creator Award for Writing & Publishing
1st Place
“Book Title Generator” Scott Lorenz
Outstanding Creator Award for Psychiatry
1st Place
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
Outstanding Creator Award for Young-Adult/Teen-Fiction
1st Place
“The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Outstanding Creator Award for Paranormal Mystery
1st Place
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Outstanding Creator Award for Historical Fiction
1st Place
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
2nd Place
“The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Outstanding Creator Award for Neurology
1st Place
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
Outstanding Creator Award for Anthologies/Short-Stories/Collections
1st Place
“Dragons of a Different Tail” Marx Pyle
2nd Place
“Lizzies Histories” Elizabeth Reinach
Outstanding Creator Award for Health
1st Place
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
Outstanding Creator Award for Men's Health
1st Place
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
Outstanding Creator Award for Mental Health
1st Place
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
Outstanding Creator Award for Politics
1st Place
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
Outstanding Creator Award for Self-Help
1st Place
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
2nd Place
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
3rd Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
“The Drive to Freedom” JT Hustlez, MPA
“Coaching Like a Champion” Steve Miller
Outstanding Creator Award for Women's Issues
1st Place
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
Outstanding Creator Award for Marriage & Relationships
1st Place
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
Outstanding Creator Award for Biographies
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
Outstanding Creator Award for Autobiographies & Memoirs
1st Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Outstanding Creator Award for Acrylic Art
1st Place
“Woman Done Swallowing Her Words” Kristan Ryan
Outstanding Creator Award for Science & Technology
1st Place
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
“THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
2nd Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
3rd Place
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for Dystopia/Post-Apocalypse
1st Place
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for Illustrated & Picture Books (Short)
1st Place
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
“The Adventures of Kodie and Bella” Sylvie Bordzuk, Alex Crump
2nd Place
“Mystery at Sea: A Noah's Ark Tale” Sylvie Bordzuk
3rd Place
“The Greatest Light” Tim & Cindy Morrison
Outstanding Creator Award for Inspirational Books for Children
1st Place
“The Greatest Light” Tim & Cindy Morrison
Outstanding Creator Award for Illustrated & Picture Books (Long)
1st Place
“Angels, of Course” Win Tuck-Gleason
2nd Place
“Lizzies Histories” Elizabeth Reinach
Outstanding Creator Award for Reference
1st Place
“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not” Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
2nd Place
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
3rd Place
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
“The Covenant Names of God” Richard Sones
Outstanding Creator Award for Religion
1st Place
“The Covenant Names of God” Richard Sones
2nd Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
3rd Place
“Angels, of Course” Win Tuck-Gleason
Outstanding Creator Award for Ministry: Preaching
1st Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
Outstanding Creator Award for History (20th Century)
1st Place
“The Apapa Six: West Africa from a 60s Perspective” John Berryman
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
Outstanding Creator Award for History (18th Century)
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
Outstanding Creator Award for Addiction & Recovery
1st Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Outstanding Creator Award for Sports
1st Place
“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not” Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio
2nd Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
3rd Place
“Coaching Like a Champion” Steve Miller
Outstanding Creator Award for Gamelit
1st Place
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Outstanding Creator Award for Dark Fantasy
1st Place
“The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
3rd Place
“Grief of the Undying” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for Horror
1st Place
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
2nd Place
“Dagger & Scythe” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for History
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
2nd Place
“The Apapa Six: West Africa from a 60s Perspective” John Berryman
Outstanding Creator Award for
Social Issues/Current Events/Activism
1st Place
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
2nd Place
“Cockatoos in the Mangroves” Dr. Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat
3rd Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for Holiday Stories
1st Place
“Bunky & the Walms: The Christmas Story” Aleksandra Tryniecka
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
Outstanding Creator Award for Chick Lit
1st Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
Outstanding Creator Award for Crime Drama
1st Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for Drama
1st Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
2nd Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
2nd Place
“The Covenant Names of God” Richard Sones
3rd Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
“Angels, of Course” Win Tuck-Gleason
"The Greatest Light" Tim & Cindy Morrison
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
Outstanding Creator Award for Performing Arts
1st Place
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
Outstanding Creator Award for Cozy Mysteries
1st Place
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Outstanding Creator Award for Mysteries
1st Place
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Outstanding Creator Award for Anthropology
1st Place
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
Outstanding Creator Award for
Paleontology & Archaeology
1st Place
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
Outstanding Creator Award for
Contemporary Fiction
1st Place
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
2nd Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
Outstanding Creator Award for
Space Operas
1st Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
Outstanding Creator Award for Romance
1st Place
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
2nd Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“A True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
2nd Place
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
3rd Place
“The Drive to Freedom” JT Hustlez
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
Outstanding Creator Award for
Ethics & Moral Development
1st Place
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
1st Place
“The Angels of Redemption” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“I Conquered: Gilraen and the Prophecy III” Dr. Joanne Reid
“Dragons of a Different Tail” Marx Pyle
Outstanding Creator Award for Science-Fiction
1st Place
“THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
2nd Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for Fiction Series
1st Place
“Redeem the Knight Trilogy” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“Ichorian Epics” Emilie Knight
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Outstanding Creator Award for Thriller/Action/Suspense
1st Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
2nd Place
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Cockatoos in the Mangroves” Dr. Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat
Outstanding Creator Award for Business & Entrepreneurship
1st Place
“The Drive to Freedom” JT Hustlez
2nd Place
“Book Title Generator” Scott Lorenz
Outstanding Creator Award for Writing & Publishing
1st Place
“Book Title Generator” Scott Lorenz
Outstanding Creator Award for Psychiatry
1st Place
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
Outstanding Creator Award for Young-Adult/Teen-Fiction
1st Place
“The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Outstanding Creator Award for Paranormal Mystery
1st Place
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Outstanding Creator Award for Historical Fiction
1st Place
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
2nd Place
“The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Outstanding Creator Award for Neurology
1st Place
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
Outstanding Creator Award for Anthologies/Short-Stories/Collections
1st Place
“Dragons of a Different Tail” Marx Pyle
2nd Place
“Lizzies Histories” Elizabeth Reinach
Outstanding Creator Award for Health
1st Place
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
Outstanding Creator Award for Men's Health
1st Place
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
Outstanding Creator Award for Mental Health
1st Place
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
Outstanding Creator Award for Politics
1st Place
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
Outstanding Creator Award for Self-Help
1st Place
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
2nd Place
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
3rd Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
“The Drive to Freedom” JT Hustlez, MPA
“Coaching Like a Champion” Steve Miller
Outstanding Creator Award for Women's Issues
1st Place
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
Outstanding Creator Award for Marriage & Relationships
1st Place
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
Outstanding Creator Award for Biographies
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
Outstanding Creator Award for Autobiographies & Memoirs
1st Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Outstanding Creator Award for Acrylic Art
1st Place
“Woman Done Swallowing Her Words” Kristan Ryan
Outstanding Creator Award for Science & Technology
1st Place
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
“THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
2nd Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
3rd Place
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for Dystopia/Post-Apocalypse
1st Place
“grydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Outstanding Creator Award for Illustrated & Picture Books (Short)
1st Place
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
“The Adventures of Kodie and Bella” Sylvie Bordzuk, Alex Crump
2nd Place
“Mystery at Sea: A Noah's Ark Tale” Sylvie Bordzuk
3rd Place
“The Greatest Light” Tim & Cindy Morrison
Outstanding Creator Award for Inspirational Books for Children
1st Place
“The Greatest Light” Tim & Cindy Morrison
Outstanding Creator Award for Illustrated & Picture Books (Long)
1st Place
“Angels, of Course” Win Tuck-Gleason
2nd Place
“Lizzies Histories” Elizabeth Reinach
Outstanding Creator Award for Reference
1st Place
“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not” Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio
“The 21st Century Man” Dr. Judson Brandeis
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
2nd Place
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
3rd Place
“No Perfect Love” Dr. Alyson Nerenberg
“The Covenant Names of God” Richard Sones
Outstanding Creator Award for Religion
1st Place
“The Covenant Names of God” Richard Sones
2nd Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
3rd Place
“Angels, of Course” Win Tuck-Gleason
Outstanding Creator Award for Ministry: Preaching
1st Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
Outstanding Creator Award for History (20th Century)
1st Place
“The Apapa Six: West Africa from a 60s Perspective” John Berryman
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
Outstanding Creator Award for History (18th Century)
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
Outstanding Creator Award for Addiction & Recovery
1st Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Outstanding Creator Award for Sports
1st Place
“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not” Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio
2nd Place
“Based on a True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
3rd Place
“Coaching Like a Champion” Steve Miller
Outstanding Creator Award for Gamelit
1st Place
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Outstanding Creator Award for Dark Fantasy
1st Place
“The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
2nd Place
“Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
3rd Place
“Grief of the Undying” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for Horror
1st Place
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
2nd Place
“Dagger & Scythe” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for History
1st Place
“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses” Mary Rae Mauch
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
2nd Place
“The Apapa Six: West Africa from a 60s Perspective” John Berryman
Outstanding Creator Award for
Social Issues/Current Events/Activism
1st Place
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
2nd Place
“Cockatoos in the Mangroves” Dr. Vanessa S. Lee-AhMat
3rd Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for Holiday Stories
1st Place
“Bunky & the Walms: The Christmas Story” Aleksandra Tryniecka
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
Outstanding Creator Award for Chick Lit
1st Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
Outstanding Creator Award for Crime Drama
1st Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for Drama
1st Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
2nd Place
“The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
2nd Place
“The Covenant Names of God” Richard Sones
3rd Place
“Simple Preaching Prep” Pastor Mark Messmore
“Angels, of Course” Win Tuck-Gleason
"The Greatest Light" Tim & Cindy Morrison
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
Outstanding Creator Award for Performing Arts
1st Place
“Andi's Valentine Tree” Once Upon a Dance
Outstanding Creator Award for Cozy Mysteries
1st Place
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Outstanding Creator Award for Mysteries
1st Place
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
“Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Outstanding Creator Award for Anthropology
1st Place
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
Outstanding Creator Award for
Paleontology & Archaeology
1st Place
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Wakan Tanka” Dr. John Bennett
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
Outstanding Creator Award for
Contemporary Fiction
1st Place
“I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
2nd Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
Outstanding Creator Award for
Space Operas
1st Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
Outstanding Creator Award for Romance
1st Place
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
2nd Place
“The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
Outstanding Creator Award for
1st Place
“A True (Traumatic) Brain History” Mark Allen
2nd Place
“Doubt Your Doubts” Rachell Kitchen
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
3rd Place
“The Drive to Freedom” JT Hustlez
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
Outstanding Creator Award for
Ethics & Moral Development
1st Place
“The Noble Edge” Dr. Christopher Gilbert
“Trust and Confidence” Jim Lichtman
“Eternal Vigilance” Ralph L. Bayrer
* These are fun, less formal awards intended to recognize the unique accomplishments of each work. They are still recognized as Outstanding Creator Awards.
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Book Cover”
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
Honorable Mentions:
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
“Dagger & Scythe” Emilie Knight
“I Saw: Gilraen and the Prophecy II” Dr. Joanne Reid
“Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
“Adventures of Kodie and Bella” Sylvie Bordzuk, Cover by Alex Crump
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Writing (Fiction)”
Winner: Michael DeAngelo (“D'Aprile's Fools”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Writing (Non-Fiction)”
Winner: Mary Rae Mauch (“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses”)
Honorable Mentions:
Dr. John Bennett (“Wakan Tanka”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Research”
Dr. Judson Brandeis “The 21st Century Man”
Honorable Mentions:
Jim Lichtman (“Trust and Confidence”)
Mary Rae Mauch (“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses”)
Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio (“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not”)
Dr. John Bennett (“Wakan Tanka”)
Ralph L. Bayrer ("Eternal Vigilance")
Dr. Christopher Gilbert (“The Noble Edge”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Scoop”
Jim Lichtman (“Trust and Confidence”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best World-Building”
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
“THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
“drydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Honorable Mentions:
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
“Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
“The Ichorian Epics” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Character”
Michael Miuriell from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Pen from “The Ichorian Epics” Emilie Knight
Tom from “The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Honorable Mentions:
Anna from “Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
Kyle from “Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
Gilraen Gulamae from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Grace from “The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Frederic D'Aprile from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Imelda from “Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
George from “THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
Arl Baelin from “Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
Theo Jackson from "The Other Side of Good" E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Supporting Character”
Tellus from “Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
Honorable Mentions:
Kenji from “Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
William, Reu from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Bixby, Caira, Olafur, Vaeri from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Eric, Shina, Maxim Cavallo, Predella from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Reggie from “I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Robert, JD from “The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Divi the Little Dragon from "Dragons of a Different Tail" Written by Sophia DeSensi, Compiled by Marx Pyle
Hailong the Dragon from "Dragons of a Different Tail" Written by Jeff Burns, Compiled by Marx Pyle
Jane from "Heirs of Deceits" Elizabeth Reinarch
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Villain”
Sattka the She-Demon from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Honorable Mentions:
Valkris, Tenebrion, Demon Lord from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
The Ebon Hammer from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Lord George Beckworth, Adjudicars from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Kirik Cainam from “Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
Sun Yi from “The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Celeste from “The Last Crystal” Francis Schoonmaker
The Atlantea Federation from “drydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
The demons from “Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Imperial Japanese Soldiers from “Imelda's Secret” by Liza Gino
Declan from “Andi's Valentine Tree” by Once Upon a Dance
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Hottest Character” (Based on Description Only)
Princess Shina from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Honorable Mentions:
Sattka the She-Demon, Predella, Maxim Cavalo from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Celeste from “The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Vaeri from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Reggie from “I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Skylar from “The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
William, Richard, Gilraen from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Couple”
Tom & Emily from “The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Imelda & Kenji from “Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
Gideon & Baelin from “Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
Gilraen Gulamae & Prince William from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Honorable Mentions:
Predella & Maxim from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Bunky & Bunky Princess from “Bunky and the Walms” Aleksandra Tryniecka
Witten & Gwen from “THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
Sheila & Reggie from “I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Dagger & Scythe from “Dagger and Scythe” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Unintentionally Funny Moment(s)”
“Don't ride your boney, ugly [@$$] past my house.”
- The neighbor from “Doubt your Doubts” by Rachell Kitchen
Honorable Mentions:
* A character (Dagger) gurgles blood from bleeding into his lungs, but the author says “otherwise” he was fine in “Dagger and Scythe” by Emilie Knight
* A loving son spends the night farting uncontrollably after donating his kidney to save his mother in “A True (Traumatic) Brain History” by Mark Allen
* The demons in “Taylor Mill Horror” by Austin Lawrence claim that they are Diablo (Satan) and Be'elzebub. This would mean that the king and prince of the demons have nothing better to do than terrorize this one random guy in Kentucky, home of the best fried chicken.
* Excessive and unnecessary use of hyperbolic statements in “The Other Side of Good” by E.A. Coe including the phrase “worst crime in the universe”
* Saying “Green Mountain-Maidstone Forest” 71 times in “Gilraen and the Prophecy” by Dr. Joanne Reid
* A female demon's sexy attire is described in detail for no apparent reason in “The Angels of Redemption” by David V. Mammina
* The fact that we're supposed to hate the government and the zone police in “drydscaen dark” by Natsuya Uesugi DuBois but actually end up hoping they stop the immoral and obnoxious protagonists who are starting riots, disrupting the economy, and blowing things up (often without provocation)
* The fact that the characters in “grydscaen dark” by Natsuya Uesugi DuBois should probably be starving and dying of thirst in their post-apocalyptic world but instead seem to be eating and drinking in every scene
* The excessive, over-the-top, highly-detailed “space sex” scenes in “Water Witch” by Kelly Brewer
* Saying “Old Shep” 89 times fast in “The Last Crystal” by Frances Schoonmaker
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Quote”
“...if you received everything you wanted in one day, what are you going to dream about for the rest of your life?”
- Aleksandra Tryniecka, “Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story”
Honorable Mentions:
“Your path is beautiful and crooked.”
-Dr. Alyson Nerenberg, “No Perfect Love”
“'I'm going to be a knight someday,' Eli said with sincerity.'”
- Forrest Hutter, “The Prodigal Father”
“The biggest trees were once seeds.”
- JT Hustlez, “The Drive to Freedom”
“Every time you are kind, generous, helpful and loving, you are light. You...are the greatest light in the world.”
- Tim & Cindy Morrison, “ The Greatest Light”
“It shouldn't be a choice of do we want law and order or do we want social justice... Why can't we want both? Why can't we get both?”
- Tony Garritano, “I Saw What I Saw”
“...war is wrong, but sometimes it's the only thing to stop something even worse than war.”
- Frances Schoonmaker, “ The Last Crystal”
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Book Cover”
“Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
Honorable Mentions:
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
“Dagger & Scythe” Emilie Knight
“I Saw: Gilraen and the Prophecy II” Dr. Joanne Reid
“Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
“Adventures of Kodie and Bella” Sylvie Bordzuk, Cover by Alex Crump
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Writing (Fiction)”
Winner: Michael DeAngelo (“D'Aprile's Fools”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Writing (Non-Fiction)”
Winner: Mary Rae Mauch (“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses”)
Honorable Mentions:
Dr. John Bennett (“Wakan Tanka”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Research”
Dr. Judson Brandeis “The 21st Century Man”
Honorable Mentions:
Jim Lichtman (“Trust and Confidence”)
Mary Rae Mauch (“Wild Colts Make the Best Horses”)
Aaron S. Bayley, Luigi Di Serio (“Why Baseball is a Sport and Golf is Not”)
Dr. John Bennett (“Wakan Tanka”)
Ralph L. Bayrer ("Eternal Vigilance")
Dr. Christopher Gilbert (“The Noble Edge”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Scoop”
Jim Lichtman (“Trust and Confidence”)
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best World-Building”
“Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
“THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
“drydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
Honorable Mentions:
“Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
“D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
“The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
“Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
“The Ichorian Epics” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Character”
Michael Miuriell from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Pen from “The Ichorian Epics” Emilie Knight
Tom from “The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Honorable Mentions:
Anna from “Impossible Dream” Gail Buckley
Kyle from “Water Witch” Kelly Brewer
Gilraen Gulamae from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Grace from “The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Frederic D'Aprile from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Imelda from “Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
George from “THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
Arl Baelin from “Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
Theo Jackson from "The Other Side of Good" E.A. Coe
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Supporting Character”
Tellus from “Era of Undying” Emilie Knight
Honorable Mentions:
Kenji from “Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
William, Reu from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Bixby, Caira, Olafur, Vaeri from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Eric, Shina, Maxim Cavallo, Predella from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Reggie from “I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Robert, JD from “The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Divi the Little Dragon from "Dragons of a Different Tail" Written by Sophia DeSensi, Compiled by Marx Pyle
Hailong the Dragon from "Dragons of a Different Tail" Written by Jeff Burns, Compiled by Marx Pyle
Jane from "Heirs of Deceits" Elizabeth Reinarch
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Villain”
Sattka the She-Demon from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Honorable Mentions:
Valkris, Tenebrion, Demon Lord from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
The Ebon Hammer from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Lord George Beckworth, Adjudicars from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Kirik Cainam from “Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
Sun Yi from “The Other Side of Good” E.A. Coe
Celeste from “The Last Crystal” Francis Schoonmaker
The Atlantea Federation from “drydscaen dark” Natsuya Uesugi DuBois
The demons from “Taylor Mill Horror” Austin Lawrence
Imperial Japanese Soldiers from “Imelda's Secret” by Liza Gino
Declan from “Andi's Valentine Tree” by Once Upon a Dance
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Hottest Character” (Based on Description Only)
Princess Shina from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Honorable Mentions:
Sattka the She-Demon, Predella, Maxim Cavalo from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Celeste from “The Last Crystal” Frances Schoonmaker
Vaeri from “D'Aprile's Fools” Michael DeAngelo
Reggie from “I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Skylar from “The Silver Lights” Michelle Lynn
William, Richard, Gilraen from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Couple”
Tom & Emily from “The Prodigal Father” Forrest Hutter
Imelda & Kenji from “Imelda's Secret” Liza Gino
Gideon & Baelin from “Redeem the Knight” David V. Mammina
Gilraen Gulamae & Prince William from “Gilraen and the Prophecy” Dr. Joanne Reid
Honorable Mentions:
Predella & Maxim from “The Angels of Resistance” David V. Mammina
Bunky & Bunky Princess from “Bunky and the Walms” Aleksandra Tryniecka
Witten & Gwen from “THAW” A.C. Kabukuru
Sheila & Reggie from “I Saw What I Saw” Tony Garritano
Dagger & Scythe from “Dagger and Scythe” Emilie Knight
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Unintentionally Funny Moment(s)”
“Don't ride your boney, ugly [@$$] past my house.”
- The neighbor from “Doubt your Doubts” by Rachell Kitchen
Honorable Mentions:
* A character (Dagger) gurgles blood from bleeding into his lungs, but the author says “otherwise” he was fine in “Dagger and Scythe” by Emilie Knight
* A loving son spends the night farting uncontrollably after donating his kidney to save his mother in “A True (Traumatic) Brain History” by Mark Allen
* The demons in “Taylor Mill Horror” by Austin Lawrence claim that they are Diablo (Satan) and Be'elzebub. This would mean that the king and prince of the demons have nothing better to do than terrorize this one random guy in Kentucky, home of the best fried chicken.
* Excessive and unnecessary use of hyperbolic statements in “The Other Side of Good” by E.A. Coe including the phrase “worst crime in the universe”
* Saying “Green Mountain-Maidstone Forest” 71 times in “Gilraen and the Prophecy” by Dr. Joanne Reid
* A female demon's sexy attire is described in detail for no apparent reason in “The Angels of Redemption” by David V. Mammina
* The fact that we're supposed to hate the government and the zone police in “drydscaen dark” by Natsuya Uesugi DuBois but actually end up hoping they stop the immoral and obnoxious protagonists who are starting riots, disrupting the economy, and blowing things up (often without provocation)
* The fact that the characters in “grydscaen dark” by Natsuya Uesugi DuBois should probably be starving and dying of thirst in their post-apocalyptic world but instead seem to be eating and drinking in every scene
* The excessive, over-the-top, highly-detailed “space sex” scenes in “Water Witch” by Kelly Brewer
* Saying “Old Shep” 89 times fast in “The Last Crystal” by Frances Schoonmaker
Outstanding Creator Award for
“Best Quote”
“...if you received everything you wanted in one day, what are you going to dream about for the rest of your life?”
- Aleksandra Tryniecka, “Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story”
Honorable Mentions:
“Your path is beautiful and crooked.”
-Dr. Alyson Nerenberg, “No Perfect Love”
“'I'm going to be a knight someday,' Eli said with sincerity.'”
- Forrest Hutter, “The Prodigal Father”
“The biggest trees were once seeds.”
- JT Hustlez, “The Drive to Freedom”
“Every time you are kind, generous, helpful and loving, you are light. You...are the greatest light in the world.”
- Tim & Cindy Morrison, “ The Greatest Light”
“It shouldn't be a choice of do we want law and order or do we want social justice... Why can't we want both? Why can't we get both?”
- Tony Garritano, “I Saw What I Saw”
“...war is wrong, but sometimes it's the only thing to stop something even worse than war.”
- Frances Schoonmaker, “ The Last Crystal”